I like mind mapping. I like to be able to move items and branches around within a tree structure, and to be able to expand and condense maps, depending on the level of detail I want to see.
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, scapple does neither. If I have an item with connections to a few others (e.g. what might be subpoints on an outline), and decide to change the order of those subpoints, I can drag them around individually to achieve my goal. But each one gets dragged manually. And if I want to add another item, in the middle of my list of subitems, I have to create the item, then drag every other item around to get the arrangement I want.
I started a writing project with Scapple, and was pleased with how easy it was to get some initial ideas out quickly. But once I got into the vicinity of 20 items or so, and wanted some structure, I felt that I really needed to move to my mind-mapping software.
Dumbhead about Scapple